
Theresa Theuretzbacher

The scientific approach complements the holistic approach towards understanding the water situation in Lubunga by providing a methodology for determining water sources, supply, consumption, and disposal, and their interaction.

The geographic location of water- and waste water-related sites like water-fetching points, open water sources, or washing places were located and recorded via GPS devices. In individual interviews with district representatives, health care institutions, households, and operators of boreholes, the current water and waste- water situation was analyzed, ideas for improvements were shared, and a water-use pattern was identified. Three water samples from selected sources were analyzed by the Laboratoire d’analyse d’eau at the University of Kisangani.

A map of Lubunga was created showing all water-related places of activity and a water-related description of each district. This mapping can be used to identify areas with a need for improvement and different methods towards achieving this.  

Case studies and projects for household water treatment, water supply, and corresponding sanitation solutions implemented in countries such as India and Kenya were analyzed and introduced in a scientific report.

Papa Ansani, Ignace Yenga