Lab Project

Haduwa Apata

Shortly after the bamboo harvest was commissioned locally, while foundation works just began on site, and two weeks before the remaining team was about to leave to Ghana again, their work in progress was exhibited at Galerie Göttlicher in Krems-Stein.

The exhibition focused on ongoing investigations of structure, material, and program, and how these architectonic elements can be manipulated in order to redefine stage design. In exploring the symbolic language of staging as well, the exhibition contemplated the work in progress visually and formally. Recorded conversations, documented workshops, and construction drawings were shown on several clusters of screens. Physical models of the bamboo dome were staged in the exhibition space.

The gallery itself was transformed into an extensive installation. The geometry of the bamboo dome was inscribed into it on a 1:2 scale, thereby allowing the void spaces of the bamboo grid-shell to materialize.  



Andrea Sachse

Joana Lazarova, Ewa Lenart, Baerbel Mueller, Ioana Petkova

Barbara Putz-Plecko, Helga Göttlicher, Baerbel Mueller, Franz Sam