Lab Project

Guabuliga – Well by the Thorn Tree

The Sliver Gallery exhibition took place in one of the interior courtyards of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and presented the dynamic growth plan, “Guabuliga – Well by the Thorn Tree”, surrounded by all the individual mappings that had been done in February 2012. The overarching curatorial strategy was to intersect a Guabuliga compound – a series of round and square rooms arranged around a concentric circle and joined by a compound wall – with the exhibition space. This 1:1 spatial operation resulted in imprints of the Guabuliga compound on the floor and walls of the exhibition courtyard, which were translated into two-dimensional surfaces and abstractions of the compound rooms that were built to create exhibition booths. This exhibition architecture created a unifying concept for the projects in the exhibition and allowed for different exhibition settings for each project. The growth plan was presented horizontally as an animated projection on a 1:1000 topography model of Guabuliga measuring two by two meters.

Baerbel Mueller, Juergen Strohmayer

Juergen Strohmayer